
Episode 98: Tragedy in India.

A horrible story out of India today as a 19 yr old student fell to her death during what was supposed to be a mock disaster drill.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast


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Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

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The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
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Episode 58: Technical Difficulties

Experiencing some technical difficulties uploading an episode that I think might be being censored. Email has been sent to Spreaker customer support.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast


Listen on iTunes, Google Play, & iHeart Radio

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.

Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
Hot topics podcast

Episode 3: Why everyone should podcast

Listen to “Episode 3: Why everyone should podcast” on Spreaker.
My thoughts on why podcasting is a powerful platform and why everyone should do it.

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast


Listen on iTunes & google play

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.
