National Weather Service

Episode 70: My number 1 preparedness tip.

After some great feedback from yesterday’s episode, I decided to do another one focusing on preparedness for weather related incidents. Listen in for my #1 tip to help you get ready.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast

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Episode 69: Get prepared now!!

Are you prepared for a weather related events to impact your home and your family? Listen in as I share some tips to help get you ready.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Listen on iTunes, Google Play, & iHeart Radio

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.

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Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

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The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
Hot topics podcast

Water Safety for First Responders – Episode 8

Water Rescue Instructor and PA HART Team Leader Scott Grahn joins Paul & Gelman in the studio to discuss the historic flooding in West Virginia and what First Responders need to do to stay safe during flood response.
Pa Hart

What impact does the weather have on EMS? – Episode 7

Josh and Paul discuss the weather and how exactly it impacts EMS. NWS chat is also discussed for Emergency Managers as well as some tips for creating your own weather checklist for your station.
Episode 7