Emergency Medical Services

The Triangle of Death – Episode 14

It’s not the triangle of death you learned about in EMT school. Today we are talking about that little piece of white undershirt that is visible in uniform and why it’s deadly.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast


Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.

Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
Hot topics Podcast

Self Care when deployed – Episode 13

Today I discuss some very important tips to consider for your own personal safety when you are operating in the field. Listen in as I discuss the 3 area’s of equipment and why that should matter to you.

Host: Paul Falavolito @paulfalavolito

Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast


Listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Google Play, Google Podcasts & Spotify

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure and leave a “Star” rating and a comment on iTunes.

Send questions, feedback or enquire about advertising on my shows: podcast@paulfalavolito.com

Call in or text the show: 412-701-4323

Subscribe and listen to all of my podcast shows:
The 7 Minute Leadership Podcast
EMS Talk
The Daily Pfav
Hot topics Podcast

Tactical EMS and Rescue Task Force discussion – Episode 10

Deputy Chief Brian Knight joins the discussion about Tactical EMS and the Rescue Task Force concept for active shooter situations.

Scene Safety during Fire Rehab – Episode 9

EMS news discussions regarding recent mass shootings in the United States. Scene safety during Fire Rehab is also examined.


Water Safety for First Responders – Episode 8

Water Rescue Instructor and PA HART Team Leader Scott Grahn joins Paul & Gelman in the studio to discuss the historic flooding in West Virginia and what First Responders need to do to stay safe during flood response.
Pa Hart

What impact does the weather have on EMS? – Episode 7

Josh and Paul discuss the weather and how exactly it impacts EMS. NWS chat is also discussed for Emergency Managers as well as some tips for creating your own weather checklist for your station.
Episode 7

EMS Billing, Documentation & ICD-10 – Episode 6

Paul & Josh welcome Ivy and Kaleigh into the studio from Cornerstone Adminisystems, ambulance billing experts. The following is a discussion about the complete life of a PCR, documentation best practices and an explanation on ICD-10 and what it means to your service.
Episode 6

Top tips for new EMT’s joining the workforce – Episode 5

Paul and Josh discuss a list of their top tips for new EMT’s just joining the EMS field. A must listen for all new EMS employee’s and volunteers.
ems talk logo

Fatigue in EMS & how it impacts responders – Episode 3

Paul & Josh discuss fatigue in EMS and how it impacts EMT’s and Paramedics that work long hours. Also, a top tip for how the safety committee at WOEMS decided to attack this issue.
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Community based paramedicine & EMS 3.0 – Episode 2

Paul and Josh discuss the new model in the EMS world, EMS 3.0. How has EMS 3.0 impacted and already changed the EMS community, and what to look for in the future.
ems talk logo